
Genetically Modified Organisms ( Gmo )

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Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) won’t harm anyone, hopefully, this is the common thought of many people, and they believe these human manipulations of an organisms DNA won’t affect anyone gravely because there is no physical evidence. But like most controversy scapegoats are necessary because most people do not like difficult investigations that call for heavy research or reading. Give the angry crowds the name and address they will react. Although the food supply has rules, regulations and safety procedures on how to treat the food, clean it and remove harmful food-borne illness; mishaps in the procedures can lead to food-borne illnesses that can not only damage our health, but can also be fatal. So why are consumers being misled by products and instinctively misguided? The very process of creating a GM plant can result in guaranteed damages; they will produce new toxins, allergens, carcinogens, and nutritional deficiencies. As a result, the toxins can now enter into foods and vegetables we eat.
The Earth Justice Organization explains the disasters of having GMOs in the environment, consumers and farmers do not want Monsanto to control their diet and are unwillingly force. Monsanto is a large corporation that publicly trade American multinational chemicals, and agricultural biotechnologies. Monsanto already dominates America’s food chain with its genetically modified seeds. According to Monsanto they are a sustainable agriculture company that deliver agricultural

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