
How Did The Factory Industry Start

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The Industrial Revolution was the era of innovation and industrialisation from 1750 - 1918. It was a period of industrialisation and rapid change in the ways people lived, worked and thought. The way that all of this happened was through factories. Factories were necessary for the human race’s development to the modern day, influencing social status, mass production, and the economy.
So where did the factory industry begin? The very first factory was built in 1769 by a wig-maker turned entrepreneur named Richard Arkwright, after he patented his first-of-a-kind ‘spinning wheel’. This was the very first instance of a textiles-creating machine, and it inspired many other entrepreneurs to join the industry & further improve the Arkwright’s design. Arkwright’s factory was built in Cromford, England because the water-mill that is in his design for the factory could be placed in the local Cromford River (HistoryLearningSite, 2011). 247 years after the factory was built, …show more content…

But how? The Industrial Revolution increased the work output; making people begin work when they are much younger, and work more hours than ever before. This increase in work created a major economic boost that began with the Industrial Revolution. Social classes were created to describe the difference between the wealthy and the poor, and because people wanted to work and live amongst others of their class, the social classes were divided. Women and children began to work; since they did not before and factories required more people to work. Consequently, younger children began to work ridiculous hours, so working laws were put into action, and any workplace had to be registered, otherwise they cannot effectively manage the risks that arise (Reference, 2017). All of these concepts were created in the Industrial Revolution, and they continue to be apparent in the modern

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