
My Study On My Food Intake Essay

Decent Essays

I analyzed my project about my food intake. I selected two major problems in my diet. The first one is my protein intake.
My intake of protein Based on Body Weight is too high. It is over 141.9%
Protein is needed for a normal human existence. It plays an important role in metabolic processes, the skeletal system: it normalizes the blood; formed a strong immune system; normalize metabolic processes; normal metabolism; restores hormonal balance; activate intellectual activity.
Proteins are harmful at a significant increase in this rule, especially if too much is repeated regularly.
Excess protein in the liver is decomposed into its component parts for the sake of sugars replenish energy reserves. Everything else, as part of this carcinogen should be removed from the body. This creates an extra burden on the liver, kidney, heart, disturbed intestinal micro flora, that harms primarily immune system. Long-term excessive intake of proteins may eventually start the process of occurrence of stones in the liver and kidneys, especially in people predisposed. The consumption of food with high protein content presents a risk to human health. The relationship between excess protein and impaired renal function. The glut of protein actually creates an additional burden for the kidneys. Excess protein intake is a risk of dehydration. Isolation of nitrogen entails the loss of water. It is assumed that the loss of calcium in the resulting high protein diet increases the risk of osteoporosis.

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