
Phineas Gage Dualism

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In the discussion of the human mind and how it actually works, there are a few distinct philosophical concepts that many believe to be an accurate diagnosis. Three of these views are Dualism, Physicalism, and Functionalism. They each portray a different view on how the mind functions in some cases physically or even mentally and separate from the actual human brain. perfect way to exam these approaches is to take an in depth look at the interesting case of Phineas Gage. Gage, born in 1823, was a railroad construction worker in the northeastern region of the United States. On September 13th in 1848, Gage was working on a railroad project in the state of Vermont and was filling a whole with explosive gunpowder and was packing the power in powder …show more content…

Physicalism is virtually the opposite of dualism and states that the mind is not separate at all but is a chemical process within the human brain. One of the only tough questions for physicalists is to question how mental states or ideas such as desires and beliefs are derived, and since everything is physical how does that sort of process look in the functions of the brain? The Gage incident is much easier to explain if one accepts the physicalist view. Since Gage lost a portion of his brain, it is perfectly logically for the way he thinks and therefore acts to change after the accident. Since the mind and brain are one, the mind and personality will be affected by actually losing a physical section of the human body. That section of the brain could have controlled something that would cause Gage not to be able to control his language and also cause him to lose his work ethic. Maybe without that part of the brain he can no longer stay focused on the task he is trying to accomplish. Again, with physicalism suggesting a oneness of the conscious mind and brain, Gage’s change in who he was after enduring a physical injury is perfectly …show more content…

These three Body-Mind views present possible ways to examine the accident that Phineas Gage suffered an entire change in personality from. Physicalism presents the best argument for explaining the Gage case. If everything is physical it is certainly logical for the personality and thought processes of a human to change after enduring an entirely physical injury. Physicalism suggests that everything about human beings can be explained just by looking at the pure physical processes of the body and specifically the brain, so clearly it presents a sound argument for why Gage endured such a drastic change in who he actually was. Gage according to dualism may have had the same mind, but according the physicalism certainly did not have the same brain and therefore, to quote his coworkers, “was no longer

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