
Social Media 's Influence On Mental Health And Overall Quality Of Life

Better Essays

Social media usage by adolescents must be limited in order to improve mental health and overall quality of life.
Adolescent social media activity continues to grow, creating technology dependence in younger generations. Technology remains in its prime throughout the twenty first century with advancements in internet and smartphone capabilities. As technology becomes more accessible to younger generations, minors continue to spend more of their day trapped in a cyber universe and disconnected from reality. Social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter allow individuals to interact and communicate with one another without direct confrontation of the people they are communicating with. Because of this ability to remain practically anonymous …show more content…

The connections between social media and anxiety as well as depression are not recent, but as more research is conducted, psychologists are finding that these unfavorable personality traits can instill hazardous behaviors in children that may pose a threat to the child or others in continuous contact. Self-destructive tendencies is a common symptom of general depression, but the wide reach of social media now allows a child to more easily threaten or involve other individuals who may not be aware of the child’s ruinous nature. When other individuals become involved in a depression or anxiety based situation, the health risk evolves from a mental illness to a personality disorder.
Personality disorders are among the most significant mental health risks resulting from social media depression and anxiety. While depression and anxiety are life-altering health concerns that may be contributed to social media, these generally mild illnesses can mature into much more intense personality disorders. This category of mental illness is among the most destructive and revered as most antagonizing within the field of psychology. Individuals diagnosed with severe personality disorders are no longer only a danger to their own well-being, but pose a threat to others near them both physically and emotionally. Research of an experiment conducted by Rosen suggests that “...

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