
Teenage Pregnancy : A Serious Problem

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Teenage pregnancy is widely viewed in our society as a serious problem. According to Pregnant Teen Help, over 750,000 teenagers will get pregnant each year. This is a statistic that has lowered in numbers since the 1990’s mainly due to more teen pregnancy prevention programs in schools and contraceptive availability(). The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate than any other industrialized country in the world. About a third of these teens abort their pregnancies, 14 percent suffer a miscarriage, and 52 percent take their pregnancy to a full term, 72 percent of these teenagers are out of wedlock (). Many of these teenage girls that become pregnant end up with disastrous results they either leave school altogether or miss an entire year due to the pregnancy, thus graduating a year later. They receive low grades or fail due to excessive absences related to health issues. Once the child is born some teenage mothers do not have time to complete homework assignments because they are too tired after seeing to their child’s needs. Teenage pregnancy is an important social issue because becoming a mother at such a young age, the risk of social and economic disadvantage tends to be greater. The majority of teenage mothers come from very low income families and in the communities in which they live in they are surrounded with weak public school systems and dangerous environments such as drugs, delinquency and gang members. Already coming from a weak background and to that

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