
The Benefits Of Genetically Modified Organisms

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In today’s world, most people are familiar with the word “Genetically modified organisms (or GMOs)”. It is a common technology in our daily life. On the one hand, the GMOs brings many benefits to our society. But on the other hand, it also has potential and unknown risks. Whether or not genetically modified organisms should be applied in our world has always been controversial. William Hawk & Gerald Schlabach from Bluffton College, Ohio defined utilitarian as “ The principle of utility as outlined by John Stuart Mill is that one is obligated morally to produce the greatest good for the greatest number. Mill identified the good with utility (Bentham, Mill's teacher, considered the good to be pleasure). In calculating whether an action is …show more content…

For example, some essential nutrition elements only exist on a small number of particular plants. But using genetically engineered plants to control the synthesis of the nutrient element of the gene fragments into the more common crops, the realization of nutritional customization. Integrate the nutrients people need into one type of crop, making it easy for people to access nutrients. GMOs is not only widely used in the field of food, but also large-scale application in the medical field. Doctors using genetically modified technology can heal some complex diseases. It bring hopes to those patients who got incurable diseases. After summarizing the utilities that GMOs bring to our world. The utilitarian will support GMOs since it has many advantages indeed. Dr. Heikes defined deontological ethical theory as “right and wrong are determined by whether the action is consistent with duty and done from a motive of fulfilling one’s moral obligation; moral obligation is defined as respect for person.” To apply the deontological ethical theory to analyze GMOs. Firstly, we need to analyze the influence of GMOs. Genetically modified foods may bring about unforeseen biological mutations, and produce higher levels of hormones in food and new toxins, long-term consumption of genetically modified foods will produce a potential threat to human health and life, leading to decrease people’s resistance, and may induced

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