
The Cause And Leading Causes Of Teen Pregnancy

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In just one year approximately 750,000 teens get pregnant in the United States. Of those pregnancies, 85% are unplanned (Inez 2016). The question is why do these young women end up pregnant. The leading causes to teen pregnancy is due to the pressure that is put on girls, the lack of sex education, and the use of alcohol.
Teen Help states that of girls that are sexually active at the age of 15, three out of the four said that they had sex because their boyfriends wanted them to ( These young, vulnerable girls believe that if they end up doing what their boyfriends want, that the boys will love them or not leave them for another girl that will sleep with him. Many teens tend to feel the pressure of becoming sexually active before are actually ready to do so. During a survey, Secure Teen came to the conclusion that 30% of boys and 23% of girls were pressured by their other friends to have sex.( Teens pressuring other teens to do something that they are not mature enough or emotionally ready is one of the great factors on why teenage girls end up pregnant. Not only are teen girls being pressured to have sex by their significant other or friends, but society portrays sex as something that is in the norm for teens to be doing. Dar Rodriguez pointed out that the television shows “Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant promotes teens to get pregnant. Although it brings awareness to teen pregnancy and portrays the troublesome getting pregnant is by showing

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