
The War Of The United States

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September 11, 2001 al-Qaeda launched a terrorist attack on the United States of America. The attack provoked the United States in retaliation. The U.S. was after al-Qaeda’s leader Osama bin Laden. The Iraq and Afghanistan war became the longest war in United States history. Music was being pumped out left and right from artist to pay their respects to the soldiers, and men and women who lost their lives through the war. The music was made special because no matter what genre of music was produced individuals respected it because of the importance it had for a nation that was hit from the side without any warning. Music during the war has five component parts: music for propaganda, commemoration, healing, home front, and as a weapon of war. The Afghanistan War became the longest war in United States history. The length of the war was a concept that is believed to originate from the United States. The United States knew that the war would be long fought and long delayed. Even though the United States was after the leader of the terrorist organization, we simply could not just “Cut the head of the snake.” The reason for this is because there is a long list of Islamic extremist to step up and take the place of a dead leader. The strategy of a long war for the United States was hoping that over time the terrorist organizations would subside or possibly disappear. Although this is a very costly strategy, we were doing what we believed had to be done. Music on the home front

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