
Happiness And Happiness : The Need Of Happiness?

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Everyone is seeking happiness. This is a truth that supports the food, drug, entertainment, self-help, retail, automotive, and every other industry. People are seeking happiness; and, when they can't find it, they seek to escape their discomfort. Of course, there are those who are seeking happiness through misery; and some who are miserable no matter what they do - but happiness is the ultimate point. And happiness is right here, right now - not someplace else, or sometime in the future.
People who are unhappy and wish to be happy need to find their way from where they are to where they wish to be. Oftentimes, there is a "payoff" to our self-sabotage and self-imposed misery; some part of us always thinks it is benefiting from carrying an extra burden - as if we were collecting "points" we can cash in later for an equivalent reward (payable in happiness). Well, before you take another step, you must realize that "victims" are not happy people. The plan of happiness through martyrdom is a fundamentally flawed concept - as evidenced by the obvious lack of happy martyrs.
Happiness is the result of being in alignment with, or in harmony with, the natural flow and order of your life. Happiness is not simply the absence of intense negative emotions; many people think they are "happy" simply because they aren't sad or angry. Happiness is the energy of positive expectancy, joy, contentment, faith, love, and gratitude. You do not need another person, or external circumstances, to

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