
The Importance Of Motivation In Education

Decent Essays

The important of motivation in education Success in the learning process can be caused by factors from within individuals and from outside the individual.Factors from within individuals include physical and psychic, examples of psychological factors such as motivation. High student motivation can support the success of learning, will low student learning motivation is a barrier that can result in low learning outcomes. For that teachers should be able to choose the right model or method in order to create an attractive learning situation so that it can establish the motivation to learn and achievement of students in learning is achieved. One of the teachers duties is to teach. In this teaching activity, of course, can not be done carelessly, but must use certain theories and principles of learning in order to act appropriately. Effective teachers will be different from ordinary teachers. Effective teachers will give a touch that is relatively targeted and more oriented to build motivation. This is what distinguishes an effective teacher from an ordinary teacher who simply teaches and delivers materials according to the curriculum without accompanying the application of the personality functions of the teacher himself. Often teachers ignore it when motivating students is important to support success in student learning so they feel that they are perceived to exist and participate in the learning process. In addition, teachers who used traditional method they are based solely on the teaching of subject matter, and also only allow students to provide standard answers derived from textbooks so as to not encourage students to have personal opinions. In addition, forcing students to abide by a teacher plan such as the example of "Your answer is correct", but because it does not fit the way the teacher teaches your score should be reduced ", how many students can not make their own decisions, take what class they want, how to do the things he wants, everything must be in accordance with the wishes of the school and teachers So students are not free individuals, but like inmates who have to do everything according to the rules Imagine if students choose them Have a final assignment Students with drawing likes, create

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