
Summary Of Viktor Arvidsson, Jonny Halmstrom And Kalle Lyytinen

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Summary The article written by Viktor Arvidsson, Jonny Halmstrom and Kalle Lyytinen explains to the reader how Information systems (IS) is so important to companies and then goes into detail on explaining the critical challenge within strategic IS implementation of how to successfully infuse strategic change into the company. They go onto and use the case study of the Swedish paper mill (paper mill) company, which is operated by PaperPack and a business group of PaperCo., to explain to the reader how cognitive entrenchment and associated fixity influenced the way they dealt with the new system they were implementing. The authors explain that although technically the implementation was a success for the paper mill company, …show more content…

This strategy-as-practice making puts a big emphasis on the practice of strategizing and the practices used to justify and legitimize the future state and also the actions they take to achieve this end. This type of strategy backs the idea the IT only matters when it is incorporated into local practices. This IS strategy looks for the potential value IT has and then reconfigures the actual role of IT within the organizations and once this is done then value of IT is recognized clearly. The authors go into detail on how the Papermill company operates from Sales all the way to shipping and how they have 3 different organizations and 5 different work units in all. They collected various data in their case study and after analyzing the data they came to the baffling conclusion that despite the new Mill Execution system (MES) being implemented, that was meant to change the practices, in fact remained almost the same. The authors then go into great detail and explained the use of their multi-dimensional view of the IS strategy process, which is used to extend the literature on IS strategy, and stresses the need to really understand the strategy implementation as an rooted process that the actors respond, make sense of and shape based on all the practices they belong to. The author stresses that there is a need for future research and longitudinal studies of the IS strategy-as-practice and hopes that

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