
Does America Want Donald Trump?

Decent Essays

Does America Want Donald Trump?
Speculations about America’s future are flying through the air of this great nation with the upcoming end to Barack Obama’s presidency. The 2016 Presidential Election has a lot of the nation on their feet as they choose wisely who they want their next president to be. One candidate is running for presidency but has no political back ground. He hasn’t held any elected offices or served in any type of political position. Some say will run this great country into the ground, but others feel he will help this country come out of our multi-trillion dollar debt. His views on the topics and issues of the upcoming presidency will give the people a good look on the type of President he will be if he is elected. His name is Donald Trump, he founded Trump Organization and is also the Chairman of Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts Incorporated. His views Individual rights are more conservative than liberal. When it comes to abortion, he disagrees with the statement that abortion is a women’s unrestricted right. Trump view is based on pro-life, the fetus has a right to life and an expecting mother shouldn’t be able to take that away. In contrast with that, a fetus is not actually living until a certain amount of weeks, so if a woman gets an abortion before that time the she is not necessarily killing anyone. He feels like there should be a punishment for women do receive an abortion if he wins the race and becomes president. Many people male and female

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