
Nucleolus Research Paper

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This region is the chromosomal area which forms the nucleolus during the interphase, where also are situated the 18S, 25S, ribosomal DNA (rDNA).
The number of NOR-bearing chromosomes varies in different species, from one chromosome to several chromosomes pairs. In humans, the acrocentric chromosomes 13, 14, 15, 21 and 22 are the NOR-bearing chromosomes. While in haploid budding yeast the NOR-bearing chromosome is chromosome XII.8
The nucleolus is a dynamic structure that assembles around the clusters of rRNA gene repeats during late telophase, persists throughout interphase and then disassembles as cells enter mitosis9.
Ribosome assembly begins with transcription of pre‐rRNA. During transcription, ribosomal and non‐ribosomal proteins attach to the rRNA.10 …show more content…

Ribosome production varies between G1/S/G2 interphase periods, being maximal in

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