
Teens And Teen Pregnancy

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As us females were young we all seem to become mothers, by playing with dolls, and playing house with others our age. It may be easy for us to say that as children we thought they needed some assistance, but in reality that was only our imagination. As little kids did we really think about what it would be like to really have a baby? We were children, but see the thing here is that teens are still children who are having other children. 16 year olds do not just wake up thinking they want to have a baby, most of the time it just happens without being planned. Teens often do not think about what life would be like as a parent which is easy to happen and we should be informed on the reasons why and what it really is like. The first reason why a girl can easily get pregnant is not being informed about contraceptives. There are about 1,700 school-based health centers nationwide in which about ⅓ provide contraceptives. Sexual education is very important when it comes to this, there are states that still require parents to sign off their children receiving any sexual education in schools, in which many of the cases the parents and their kids are too embarrassed to talk about. Although it is the parent's responsibility to talk about it, they do not. When a teen is sexually active, it is important for them to let a parent know, so that they can get checked. Another possible reason can be unwanted sex. According to four in ten girls first experience happens at age 13

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